Blog home > Warframe 109 Lets Build The SICARUS PRIME
PermalinkSubmitted: 12:06 pm on Dec-13-2013By:
ok so took us 2 weeks to get the parts for this, they drop:
Sicarus Prime Barrel : Tower III Mobile Defense
Sicarus Prime Receiver: Tower III Exterminate
Sicarus Prime Blueprint : Tower III Moblie Defense
now the glaive prime is MIA as it wont drop the parts for it.
this weapon was abit weird with getting it as the magnus came out, it is better than the magnus was so put a catalyst into it and OMG, its an awesome little weapon!
ok so its not the best in the game, there\'s too much gold but you can get all 3 damage types over 100 damage each easy enough without adding an element to this weapon atall!
and then using the recoil reduction mod for the pistol on this pistol the thing hardly kicks and becomes a nice mid to long range weapon that deals a nice amount of damage.
is it worth the weeks of farming?
no, not by along LONG way, the glaive prime had better be the worlds best weapon for the agro you get for trying to farm it and getting nowhere fast.
this, its nice and does a nice amount of damage but like the bronco prime, its too much gold, not enough user related colour options left to make it your own.